
Writing My Guts Out

Writing My Guts Out

While writing in the studio on Friday, my critic began to rear her ugly head (why is my critic a woman?!) and I worked hard to overcome her.  I let her have her say, I didn’t try to repress or ignore her.  I gave her only 5 minutes to say everything that she could in those 5 minutes, but then I cut her off.  In those 5 minutes she reminded me of my big fear of actually putting words to paper — the permanence of such an act–and being judged for those words.  She then proceeded to tell me that I had nothing new to say.  She then didn’t hold any punches and reminded me that there is always going to be someone smarter, better, and wittier than me…so why even try.

I then reminded myself that all the great writers say to write what you know…and so I did.  And what follows is what came to mind…
